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Sweet Treats

‘Upstarts’ is an initiative developed by ICAD to help the next generation of young creatives hone their skills and prepare them for work in the design and advertising industries.
Aspiring copywriters, art directors and designers take part in an intensive six-week course, where they attend workshops in top studios and agencies and are mentored by some of the country’s best creatives.

Following on from the ICAD advertising workshops that ran between 1997-2002, Upstarts has been an unrivalled success, celebrating a decade this year. Former participants now act as mentors and workshop hosts – a sure sign that the programme has evolved into a robust and proven start for aspiring creatives.

‘Sweet Treats’, the 2016 ICAD Upstarts Exhibition, opens in the Light House Cinema in Smithfield, Dublin, on Wednesday November 16th from 6.30-8.30pm. It’s open to all, so come along to see some sweet advertising and design for your delectation, every day until Sunday November 20th.

Meet the Upstarts here.