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Irish Film Board — Production Catalogue

Company Detail. Design Studio
Client Irish Film Board
  • Gold
    2 Design: Print - Catalogues / Brochures
Creative Director
Brian Nolan
Sally Caulwell
Keith Byrne
Naoise Ó Conchubhair
Project Manager
Leonie Henson
Creative Director
Brian Nolan
Sally Caulwell
Keith Byrne
Naoise Ó Conchubhair
Project Manager
Leonie Henson

The Irish Film Board is the national development agency for Irish filmmaking and the Irish film, television and animation industry, investing in talent, creativity and enterprise. We are working with them to produce promotional material for international film festivals.

Each catalogue uses evocative summary illustration which are representative of the work that is being promoted. These abstract compositions help set the tone, personality and sentiment of the content. They are used through their publications as well as being a key part of their exhibition design and advertising.

To support this we designed a custom typographic treatment for ‘Irish Film’ and typography throughout the publications. An ‘IF’ motif is used as a central connecting common element of all illustrations and promotional material.