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Temptations “Jen’s Holiday”

Company Boys and Girls
Client RaboDirect
  • Bronze
    3 Radio Advertising - Radio Commercial (over 30 seconds)
Creative Director
Rory Hamilton
Rachel Carey
Art Director
Bairbre McGlade and Rebecca McNally
Account Director
Sarah Sherry
Account Manager
David Carter
Margaret Gilsenan
Marketing Manager (Client)
Tim Bicknell, Gail Banim and Aoife Mahon

Creative Director
Rory Hamilton
Rachel Carey
Art Director
Bairbre McGlade and Rebecca McNally
Account Director
Sarah Sherry
Account Manager
David Carter
Margaret Gilsenan
Marketing Manager (Client)
Tim Bicknell, Gail Banim and Aoife Mahon

This campaign was about the things that tempt you to dip into your savings, spoiling whatever it is you were saving for. The medium being radio, what better way to represent these little temptations than through snippets of other radio ads? Individually recorded and edited to abruptly interrupt the main character’s wistful description of her savings plan, the effect was disruptive as well as bang on message.