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Creative Shorts VI

The sixth annual Creative Shorts took place in The Sugar Club on a rainy night in June. Screened on the night were (in alphabetical order):
Bitch Falcons ‘Syncope’ (Kate Dolan)
Breathe (James Doherty)
Cake (Alan Friel)
Drop the Hand (Simon O’Neill)
Heartbreak (Dave Tynan)
Luminairas (Tom Haines)
More than God (Kev Cahill)
Mr Yeats and The Beastly Coins (Laura McNicholas)
Patrick Kelleher ‘Put Out The Lights & Cry’ (Rupert Morris)
Rebirth (Andrew Baird)
Second to None (Vincent Gallagher)
The First Day of Summer (Zac Emerson)
Photos by the super talented John Lalor Photography.